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Ghid API iplocate

API-ul nostru ofera informatii cu privire la o adresa IP utilizand o interfata REST care returneaza urmatoarele date:

  • hostname
  • proprietar
  • nume continent, cod continent
  • nume stat, cod stat
  • nume regiune, cod regiune
  • nume tinut, judet
  • nume oras
  • latitudine, longitudine
  • fus orar
  • limba oficiala
  • valuta


Apelarea API-ului iplocate este intuitiva si usor de realizat. Realizeaza o cerere adaugand parametrii valizi pentru interogarea ta:


parametrii pot fi precizati in orice ordine in URL


Parametru Necesar Valoare implicita Descriere
ip nu adresa IP client adresa IP
key da null cheia primita la inregistrarea unei aplicatii
output nu xml specifica formatul corespunzator raspunsului: xml, json, raw
timezone nu false specifica prezenta fusului orar in raspuns: true, false
hostname nu false specifica hostname in raspuns: true, false
language no false specifica limba oficiala in raspuns: true, false
currency no false specifica valuta in raspuns: true, false

Pentru a obtine o cheie valida pentru aplicatia sau site-ul tau, te rugam sa inregistrezi un cont de utilizator iplocate.


Element Descriere
ip adresa IP referita
hostname hostname-ul pentru adresa IP furnizata
owner proprietarul pentru adresa IP furnizata
continent_name nume continent
continent_code cod continent
country_name nume stat conform ISO-3166
country_code cod stat pe doua caractere conform ISO-3166
region_name nume regiune
region_code cod regiune
county_name nume tinut, judet
city_name nume oras
latitude latitudinea corespunzatoare locatiei identificate, in care numerele pozitive reprezinta Nordul, iar numerele negative reprezinta Sudul
longitude longitudinea corespunzatoare locatiei identificate, in care numerele pozitive reprezinta Estul, iar numerele negative reprezinta Vestul
timezone fus orar

Implicit, API-ul iplocate trimite raspunsurile in format XML. Poti solicita raspunsul si in format JSON sau text (RAW)

Exemplu raspuns XML

<status>Propper Request</status>
<notes>The following results has been returned</notes>
<continent_name>NORTH AMERICA</continent_name>
<country_name>UNITED STATES</country_name>
<county_name>SANTA CLARA</county_name>
<city_name>MOUNTAIN VIEW</city_name>
<currency_name>US DOLLAR</currency_name>

Exemplu raspuns JSON

"response": {
"status": "Propper Request",
"message": "Success",
"notes": "The following results has been returned",
"code": "200_1",
"location": {
"ip": "",
"continent_name": "NORTH AMERICA",
"continent_code": "NA",
"country_name": "UNITED STATES",
"country_code": "US",
"region_name": "CALIFORNIA",
"region_code": "CA",
"county_name": "SANTA CLARA",
"city_name": "MOUNTAIN VIEW",
"latitude": "37.3801",
"longitude": "-122.0865",
"timezone": "PST"
"languages": {
"language": [
"alpha2_code": "EN",
"alpha3_code": "ENG",
"language_name": "ENGLISH",
"native_name": "ENGLISH"
"currencies": {
"currency": [
"alpha_code": "USD",
"numeric_code": "840",
"currency_name": "US DOLLAR",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"fractional_unit": "CENT"
"unit_test": {
"elapsed_time": "0.0609",
"memory_usage": "0.76MB"

Exemplu raspuns RAW

Propper Request,Success,The following results has been returned,200_1,,LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC,NORTH AMERICA,NA,UNITED STATES,US,CALIFORNIA,CA,SANTA CLARA,MOUNTAIN VIEW,37.3801,-122.0865,PST, languages,1,EN,ENG,ENGLISH,ENGLISH, currencies,1,USD,840,US DOLLAR,$,CENT, unit_test,0.609,0.76MB

Cod Status Mesaj Descriere
200_1 Propper Request Success The following results has been returned.
200_2 Propper Request Not Found No result set has been returned.

Mesaje de eroare

Daca o cerere nu se realizeaza cu succes, API-ul iplocate returneaza un mesaj de eroare. Implicit, mesajul este returnat in format XML, dar sunt disponibile si formatele JSON sau RAW.


Cod Status Mesaj Descriere
400_1 Bad Request Error in the URI The API call should include a API key parameter.
400_2 Bad Request Error in the URI The API call should include a valid IP address.
403_1 Forbidden Not Authorized The API key associated with your request was not recognized.
403_2 Forbidden Account Inactive The API key has not been approved or has been disabled.
403_3 Forbidden Limit Exceeded The service you have requested is over capacity.

API-ul iplocate

Caracteristicile serviciului iplocate

  • identificare IP in timp real
  • API REST intuitiv
  • diferite tipuri de raspunsuri: XML, JSON, text
  • inregistrare usoara
  • integrare rapida in site-ul tau